Products Overview

In the United States alone there are over 3,000 counties, each making mapping and other types of data using their own definitions. These different definitions make it hard to use the data in analytic tools to answer key business, government and social questions. CarbonCloud provides an easy way to translate data from many sources, publish it and share your definitions.

Gaia 3
Gaia is a platform designed for advanced geospatial network and SDI needs. Based on the CarbonTools PRO open-geospatial development toolkit, this viewer can access an array of geospatial sources such as OGC SDI, Bing Maps, Yahoo! Maps, OpenStreetMap and numerous GIS file formats.

Gaia WFS-Transactional Client
This Multi-Extender package adds powerful feature digitizing and transaction tools to support any WFS-T, including ArcGIS Server 9.3. This Extender includes an easy-to-use user interface, one-click schema analysis, seamless lock operation, and many more advanced features. Included are the Geometry Edit Snap Tools, designed to improve geometries digitizing and edit accuracy.

Gaia AIXM 5 Viewer
The Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) is supported by the FAA and EUROCONTROL as part of Next Generation aviation programs and is designed to enable the management and distribution of Aeronautical Information Services data in digital format. This package bundles a spatiotemporal data extension with 3D rendering and specialized user experiences.

CarbonTools PRO
Based on Source-Handler-Data technology, CarbonTools PRO provides a unified framework for geospatial interoperability with an array of location content and services. .NET developers can add Bing Maps, OpenStreetMap, Yahoo! Maps, OGC SDI, GML, ESRI Shapefiles to their development...seamlessly! Included is the full source code of the latest Gaia 3 version.

CarbonArc PRO
CarbonArc PRO eliminates barriers to SDI usability by providing advanced discovery, analysis and interaction tools for the OGC SDI - directly from the ESRI ArcGIS 9.2 desktop. By plugging into ArcGIS, CarbonArc PRO lets you use any OGC Web services and data as an integral part of the GIS - including WMS, WFS, WFS-T, WCS, Filter Encoding, Gazetteer, GML and CS-W.
Learn about Gaia
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