Gaia Extenders Catalog
Commercial Extenders List

Gaia Extender - WFS-Transactional
Enhance Gaia with powerful feature digitizing and transaction tools to support any WFS-T, including ArcGIS Server 9.3. Insert, delete or update any transactional features using a friendly, easy to use, user interface. One-click configuration from feature schemas, seamless lock operation and much more.

Gaia Extender - CarbonCloud Sync
This Extender compliments the CarbonCloud Sync services that allow GeoSynchronization of federated transactional Web Feature Services (WFS-T), including ESRI ArcGIS Server. With this Extender users can update the GeoSynchronization service, approve or reject changes, and read from GeoSynchronization feeds.

Gaia Extender - Geometry Edit Snap Tools
This Extender adds a suite of tools that add snapping capabilities for any feature digitizing tasks. Once installed any geometry editing in Gaia will be affected, including the WFS-T Extender.

Gaia Extender - Secure SDI
This Extender allows Gaia to use the CubeWerx Identity Management Server (IMS) Single Sign On (SSO) security feature.

Gaia Extender - 3D
Bring your features to life with this 3D Extender. With a click of a button this tool generates a three dimensional scene from all feature layers in the session and allows fast dynamic rendering with tools such as rotate, pan and zoom.

Gaia Extender - AIXM Data
Adds the Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) data source into the supported data formats. Includes full support to AIXM 5 and its robust temporality model. Once installed AIXM files will be seamlessly available in the session.

Gaia Extender - AIXM UI
Adds a range of visualization tools that turn Gaia into a handy tool for aviation professionals who need to work with the Next Generation of AIXM data models. This Extender includes animation controls, features selection, property analysis tools, and much more.
Free Extenders List

Gaia Extender - Emergency Management Symbology
Enhance Gaia with the Emergency Management Symbology set developed by the FGDC Homeland Security Working Group. Free download

Gaia Extender - Emergency Management Symbology
Turn Gaia to a GPS enabled application with this Extender. This Extender allows Gaia to center the map according to the current GPS location. Free download

Gaia Extender - Emergency Management Symbology
This Extender enhances Gaia's status strip with a projection of WGS84 coordinates to NAD83 or NAD27 National Grid coordinates. Free download

Gaia Extender - Emergency Management Symbology
USGS Framework WFSCapabilities to a drop-down list and allows quick import of selected layers to the map. Free downloadGaia 3 was developed with CarbonTools PRO, an extension to Microsoft .NET Framework that supports advanced location content handling, mapping and sharing. Software developers can get the Gaia 3 source code by purchasing CarbonTools PRO.